Wednesday, August 19, 2015



Rasa lama tak menulis coretan disini.. sebaik tak nampak berhabuk lagi. Kali ni dalam entry terbaru nak cerita sikit aku dah try buat tiramisu. Buat dua sekali satu untuk merasa, satu lagi untuk jiranku.. alhamdulillah sebaiklah sedap bak hang. Nak buat tiramisu ini ingatkan susahlah sangat, rupanya alah senang sahaja dengan barang yang tak banyak dan rumit. 

Lain orang lain caranya untuk membuat tiramisu ni. almaklum aku ni suka jenis nak mengkaji kalau tak ikut sukatan barang yang kena letak apa yang jadi. Tiramisu ni aku tak letak krim masakan atau whipping cream sebab nak cuba rasanya. 

Bahan-bahan Tiramisu

5 biji Telur (Gred A)
Cream cheese (philiphedia) --- biasa guna mascarpone tapi tak jumpa hehehe
Biskut Lady finger
Air kopi secukupnya --- nak guna nescafe pon boleh
Esen vanilla


  • Asingkan kuning telur dari putih telur (pastikan dalam putih telur takde setitik pon kuning telur)
  • Pukul kuning telur sampai likat (aku guna mixer huhu). Pukul kuning telur atas air yang mendidih (untuk memastikan bakteria mati).
  • Bila dah likat, masukkan cream cheese dan pukul secara sederhana. Apabila dah sebati letakkan esen vanilla dan pukul lagi.
  • Biarkan seketika. Pukul putih telur sehingga kembang dan kental. *Ingat kalau nak pukul putih telur pastikan bekas dan pemukul kering.. takut nanti tak menjadi bila dipukul.
  • Campurkan putih telur yang dah kembang kedalam adunan kuning telur tadi. Kaup sehingga sebati.
  • Sediakan bekas yang sesuai, rendamkan biskut lady finger ke dalam bancuhan kopi dalam 5 saat. Ini kerana bagi mengelakkan biskut menjadi lembik. 
  • 1st layer buat susunan biskut kemudian 2nd layer tuangkan sedikit demi sedikit adunan tadi keatas biskut. Ulangi mengikut citarasa. (Saya buat 4 layer )
  • Bila dah siap masukkan dalam peti sejuk dan biarkan dalam 8 jam .

Tadaa... sudah siap disejukkan dan bolehlah kita makan.. sesuai dibuat bila ada majlis2 atau suka2 nak makan pun boleh.. kerana saya kuat makan saya yang banyak menghabiskannya.. hehehe

Itu sahaja entry untuk kali ini. Jumpa lagi di lain entry

Xoxo Amal 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Carrot cake...


Sudah lama tak mngupdate blog nii..rase dahh berhabukk..fuhhh bila tiupp debu2 berterbangan.. cehhh padahal tadeanya nak berabuk.. kali ni entry tentang kek lobak merah... haaa korang-korang mesti suke makankan apatah lagi kalau ade kirim keju dekat atas kek tu..perghhhh mmg sedaplaa bak hangg.. hihihi

Ini lah dia rupa kek lobak yg baru dibuat..adunan mak saya yg buat saya hanya tlong tambah itu ini.. tapi tapi kan yang cream cheese dgn corak tuu sa buat..almaklumlaa baru nk belajar 

Carrot cake yummy
Tuu diaaa kek lobak merah yang dah siap dibakar..dicorakkan.. dulu pernah tertanya macam mana nak buat corak lobak tu... cara dia saya belajar dekat youtube... boleh klik sini 
Dah banyak berceloteh nanti terlupa nak bagi resepinya..

Carrot cake
Rujukan : Buku Jamuan Teh Pilihan (Betty Yew)

Bahan kek
1 cawan gula halus
1 cawan minyak jagung
3 butir telur
1 1/3 cawan tepung gandum
1 1/2 camcateh baking powder
1 1/3 camcateh soda bikarbonat
1 1/3 camcateh serbuk kayu manis
1 1/2 cawan lobak merah mentah (diparut)
1 cawan kacang (dicincang) kcg ape2 pon boleh 
   Saya pakai kcg walnut
1/2 camcateh garam


1. Alaskan acuan kek terlebih dahulu dengan           kertas minyak dan griskan dia..
2. Pukul gula dan minyak jagung. Masukkan dan     pukul telur sebiji sekali.
3. Ayakkan bahan kering ke dalam adunan,               kaup dan balikkan. Masukkan garam.                     Masukkan kacang dan lobak merah, kaup dan     balikkan.
4. Tuangkan ke dalam acuan dan bakar dalam         ketuhar sederhana rendah selama lebih                 kurang 45 minit..suhu 165°c

Cara membuat cream cheese
Rujukan : Azlita masam manis

150 gram krim keju
30 gram mentega tanpa garam
60 gram gula aising
1 sudu teh esen vanilla
1 sudu teh paste lemon


Pukul krim keju dan gula hingga kembang. Masukkan mentega, esen vanilla dan lemon paste.
Pukul sebati

Oklaa itu shaja utk harini.. korang2 semua mesti kena try buat kek ni.. mmg trbaiikk puas hati bila menjadi..

Xoxo Amal...

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Memories at Polytechnic..


This entry I will showed to you my ex classmates at Polytechnic Sultan Idris Shah in Diploma Islamic Banking and Finance.... this is the best moment and I never forgot it... From semester 1 until semester 6 we were closed as family... In our relationship as friends must had fighting..cheerful..and so on... Lie if there is no fighting... we were came study same and also graduated same.... I love you all... I miss you all...

My ex classmates at Polytechnic

Today I got further study at University Utara Malaysia with my two friends from same classes that are Rabiatul Adawiyah and Nurul Umairra... I hope my other friends also could got further study at here...  

Thats all for today... 

Xoxo Amal...

Monday, April 21, 2014

New Friend At Class STID..


Today my lecturer tell to all student that must find a new friend in this class... I think that we all must find with self but she said that she will pick random by see the name at paper that she hold it. I see that have boy with girl...girl with girl... girl with international boy... so I pray that I want to be with girl because it is easy for me to make capture picture with her and so on...When turn to my name.... she said Nur Amalina Zainal Abidin jeng jeng jeng....  with whom??? sooo with Nur Sakinah... wahhh I am very happy because finally I get with girl... hoooreeyyy...

I turn down to take some piece of paper and sit with my new friend... yeahh I get new friend in this class... Start the conversation with her and we talk about anything... about what her long name, age, stay at where and etc...
Women cannot run from taking picture or people called it "selfie"....hehehe... so we capture picture first...

Nur Sakinah aka my new friend...Love you

Let go through about the details of her..... 

She's name is Nur Sakinah Binti Taufik Thiagaraja... She's 20 years old at this year and she's come from Petaling Jaya, Selangor. Before this she's school at and then after get result SPM she's get 2 offer to further at UITM Kuantan in asasi law and  Matrix Perlis in accounting..and she said after discuss with her parents, she decides to choose matrix... and now she's get offer degree at Universiti Utara Malaysia in course International business and she's semester 2 and stay at DPP Muamalat..she said she found out want to do double degree in logistic and transportation and now she set to work under airlines company..To get another degree must paid RM1250..maybe towards the final year... She has 6  members in family include her mom and dad... she's last daughter..have 2 sisters and 1 brother.. 

For the favorite food she's like to eat Indian food because she like the taste and spice.. and for information she's green tea lover and coffee...she consume both.. for the sport she like to play badminton because from school until matrix she join the badminton club.. 
She likes cats but she scared with frog.... and for the subject she interested with English subject. in free time she love to read English novel and any magazine in English...mostly this is the way that she can improve her English..

Every people have their own study and future life... for her in study is to own a double degree and maybe continue study in master and the most important things is maintain pointer every sem Inshaallah... while for future life, when she work and she has own money..she want go to travel especially at Europe and  then she want do good deeds to people, to animals. In any form to get satisfaction in life by doing charity work...

She has social networking such as Facebook, Twitter and easy for me to contact him.
Facebook/Twitter: Sakinahtaufik

That is the interesting story that I get from her... she is very kind and mostly I like her powerful language in English...

That all about my new friend... I hope that I will meet her again in other class...  

Xoxo Amal...

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Selfie and Edited Image...


Selfie ????....What is selfie.... Selfie is a type pf self potrait photography, typically taken with a hand-held digital camera or camera phone. Selfie are often share on social networking services such as as Instagram, Wechat and Snapchat. They are often casual and are typically taken either with a camera held at arm's length or in a mirror.

Selfie and edit by pixlr

Masquerade mask to cover face from another people know...hahaha.... Today you all know that after we capture the image you must say that the picture is not perfect, not beautiful because have a pimple, scars and anything that can affect your know you must edit your image with anything application that we can find in the internet...we can install and use it or we can use at online... 

That have many application such as Adobe Photoshop, Photoscape, Online graphic application and so on... for a mobile the famous for edited image is use the camera360.. it cam make your image become perfect... hehehe

This are the online graphic application:
- Online image editor
- picmonkey  
- befunky
- Pixlr   

Blur Image by befunky
Edit by PhotoGrid (mobile application)

ok thats all for today...

Xoxo Amal.... {。^◕‿◕^。} (◕^^◕) ✖✗✘♒

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Red Velvet Cake


Today I will share to you how to make a Red Velvet Cake.. Last month I ate this cake and it was very delicious and I almost like the cream cheese.. the combination cake and cheese could make me melting...hehehe.. I am very addicted with cheese..I always watch shows Baked with Anna Olson so I get this recipe from the Asian Food Channel recipe 

To qualify as a red velvet cake, ingredients must include cocoa powder, butter milk,white vinegar and baking soda. The vibrant red colour is achieved with food colouring but also provide a natural variation using beets that result  in more of a pink-hude cake. Make 1 2 layer, 8 inch square cake serve to 10-12 (Anna Olson)


Recipe: Anna Olson

  • Cake:
  • 2/3 unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 large eggs, at room temperature
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup regular cocoa powder (not Dutch process)
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 1/2 cups buttermilk, at room temperature
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp white vinegar
  • 1 tsp red food colouring paste (preferred over liquid colour)*
  • Frosting:
  • 1 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 1 1/2 pkg (12 oz) cream cheese, at room temperature
  • 4 cups icing sugar, sifted
  • 1 1⁄2 tsp vanilla extract

  • Methods
  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Grease two 8-inch square pans and line the pans with parchment so that it comes up the sides as well.
  2. Using electric beaters or in a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the butter until smooth, then add the sugar and beat until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time and beating well after each addition, beat in the vanilla.
  3. In a separate bowl, sift the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Add this alternately with the buttermilk, starting and ending with the flour. Stir the white vinegar and food colour together and add this to the cake batter on low speed, but mixing until blended in. Scrape the batter into the prepared pans and spread to level.
  4. Bake the cakes for about 35 minutes, or until a tester inserted in the centre of the cake comes out clean. Cool the cakes in their pans for 20 minutes, then turn them out to cool completely.
  5. For the frosting, beat the butter until fluffy, then beat in the cream cheese until well blended and smooth. Add the icing sugar in 2 additions, beating first on low speed and then increasing. Beat in the vanilla.
  6. To assemble the cake, place the first layer of cake on your platter or plate and spread a generous amount of frosting on the top. Top this with the second cake layer and frost the top and then the sides. Use your spatula to create any swirls or patterns you wish, then chill for at least 2 hours before slicing to serve.
  7. The cake will keep, refrigerated, for up to 3 days.
  8. *For an alternative made without food colouring, replace 1⁄4 cup of the buttermilk with 1/3 cup of finely grated raw beets. Stir the beets in with the buttermilk and follow the recipe as above.
Now you all can try and make it... 
For more recipe and know the other chefs you can see at this website Asian Food Channel
Ok thats all for today... 

Xoxo Amal..

Monday, April 14, 2014

Fashion Hijab


Today we can see that have many wearing hijab and make a many style... we know that hijab not concentrated in one style only but we can create own style or see at someone else....  and today not strange if have some girl wearing a turban because now it popular..

The latest style that I see is scarf bawal they created to be like a shawl... so if you have many scarf bawal don't throw away but you can style it... Sometimes some people she was too shy to pose or styling because maybe she does not have confident but sometimes I look that have a few girl they very confident to style it also she can show to you how to make it... I like it..

This are style hijab by scarf bawal...  ^_^

Model friend aka Beya
Model friend aka beya
Me aka amal

This are style hijab by turban... ^_^

Turban resource google
Yuna with Turban
Yuna with Turban

This are style hijab by shawl...

Shawl by Radiusite

This are the few type style hijab that I show to you..... if you are interesting to look style.. the material...pattern you can look at radiusite, aidijuma, Ratu, Fareeda, Al-Humaira and etc...
Ok thats all for today...

*picture by miss google

Xoxo Amal...